At every stage of asset ownership
We can help you apply the right standards to ensure compliance. Select the right technologies and hardware to get the best performance and we can help you design the right architecture to meet your needs for resilience and operability. We can work with your other designers to help ensure that all disciplines come together to create a fully integrated design.
If you need resources we can help by providing experienced staff that are trained and motivated to get the job right first time. We can help by making sure systems are fully tested before coming to site and
Even with the best laid plans, we should all expect the unexpected. Getting it all to work on site takes more than just knowledge of the technology. Understanding the process and the operational constraints means that we can help you get plant up and running with a minimum of fuss and when it’s all done we can provide you with hand over documentation that helps you demonstrate compliance and ensures that your operations and maintenance teams can take full ownership.
During their life, we can help you get the most out of your assets. Perhaps your requirements have changed. New regulations can place tighter restrictions on operational performance and measurement uncertainty. Maybe new technology offers opportunities to reduce costs or improve output. We can help with this and much more ..
Many of our clients suffer with systems that don’t really achieve what they want. Plant that must be operated manually or requires regular maintenance intervention. They know their systems can do more but don’t know how. Our experience of both the water industry and the technology means that we can get to the root cause quickly and come up with effective solutions.
When you want to replace your existing systems, we can help you select and install replacements with the minimum of disruption and fuss. We can sometimes help to delay replacements and capital expenditure.